Iron therapy - With Special Emphasis on Intravenous Administration

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Autor: Robert R. Crichton, Bo G. Danielson, Peter Geisser

Weitere Infos: UNI-MED Science, 4th edition 2008, 128 pp, 80 illustrations

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ePDF Iron therapy - With Special Emphasis on Intravenous Administration
Download, ISBN: 978-3-8374-5077-4
4,95 € *
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The 4th edition of Iron Therapy examines the vast amount of new information regarding the biochemistry and clinical use of iron for a range of different conditions. Growing experience with the management of iron deficiency anaemia resulted in the development of clinical practice guidelines in the United States and Europe. These, as well as recent data on efficacy and safety of available iron preparations, are reviewed in this textbook, making it an invaluable reference for the scientist and clinician alike.
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