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Autoimmune Hepatitis
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Autor: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Arndt Vogel and Prof. Dr. Michael P. Manns, Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Medical School Hannover
Weitere Infos: UNI-MED Science, 1st edition 2010, 112 pp, 25 illustrations
Fachgebiete: Gastroenterologie/Hepatologie, English books, Buch, EPDF
This textbook deals with the typical and atypical manifestations of autoimmune hepatitis. It offers the individual with a clinical interest in this condition a comprehensive review of many topics of relevance to clinical practice in the management of patients with autoimmune hepatitis taking into account the most recent scientific findings. In addition to efficient diagnostic investigation, the clinical course and current state of the art for therapy including liver transplantation are, in particular, described in detail.